Thursday, 13 October 2016

25 most Interesting Facts of Apple Inc.


  1.  Apple Inc. is the world's largest IT  company by revenue and total assets,  it  is the  second  largest mobile phone  manufacturer after Samsung  Electronics. 
  2.  Apple Inc. employs over 115,000  peoples across the globe. 
  3.  Apple Headquarter's employees earn  an average of US$125,000 a year.
  4.  There is better chances of getting  accepted to Harvard University than getting a job at  Apple Store.
  5.  Almost 30% of Apple's A8 chipset made by Samsung that go into Iphone 6 (2014).                                                                              Souce 
  6.  Apple have so much money, that he could buy Disney or Coca Cola and pay in Cash.
  7.  Apple earns $300,000 per minute.
  8.  Apple has more operating cash than U.S Treasury.
  9.  If you use I tunes which is an apple software, you agreed nt to use Apple products to  create nuclear weapons.
  10.  Smoking near apple's Computers voids the warranty.
  11.  Apple sold 340,000 I phones per day in 2012.
  12.  The Retina Display of Apple's ipad is actually manufactured by Samsung Electronics.
  13.  Everything you say to siri is sent to Apple, analysed and stored.
  14.  Apple's worldwide annual revenue $233 Billion for the fiscal year ending Sept., 2015.
  15.  Apple's goodwill is worth $119 Billion. It is world's most valuable brand (thereafter,  Microsoft and Google.)
  16.  In the first quarter of 2014, Apple earned more than Google, Facebook and Amazon  Combined.
  17.  Apple is worth more than entire Russian stock market. 
  18.  Apple iphone consumes $0.25 worth of electricity per year if it's fully charged once a  day.
  19.  When the first prototype of i pod is shown to steve jobs, he dropped it in an aquarium  and used the air bubbles to prove there was empty space and it could be made smaller.
  20.  The battery of Apple Macbook could save you from gunshot, it is bullet-proof.
  21.  Apple launched a clothing line in 1986.
  22.  Apple Iphone is almost twice more expensive in Brazil in comparision to United States.
  23.  Rounded corners on a rectangular devices have been patented by Apple Inc., In U.S
  24.  Apple recovered 2,204 pounds of gold from broken Iphones in 2015 (worth almost  $40 million).
  25. An Iphone Contains about 0.0012 ounce of gold, 0.012 ounce of silver and 0.000012 ounce of platinum.

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